Monday, April 4, 2011

Success...sort of !

Today is one week since I started my diet journal, regular workout, and eating healthy!

When I "weighed in" this morning, I was discouraged.  I lost a pound. Yippie, a pound.  Then I thought about it...that was a pound I would still have had if I didnt start doing this!  So YAY for me, a pound!  I also have started measuring the "problem areas." I will not post those numbers, but I am so excited to say that three of the areas have decreased in by a half inch, one by a full inch, and the other by a wonderful one and a half inches!!!!  I honestly feel healthier too after this past week.  I successfully made a princess doll cake for my daughter's birthday and did not eat any of it, yet....there still is cake in the fridge.  I did treat myself last night to a piece of dutch apple pie at my mom's for her birthday...just a small piece. 

I can not wait for this weather to break, today is 70 degrees, but rain....I just want to get outside and run and play with the kids!  That should kick my butt for sure! 

Thanks for the support of friends, I have stuck with it.  I really want to be able to look good in a swim suit this summer, and not feel so fat everytime I am out.  It is time for this engine to loose the caboose!

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