Monday, August 30, 2010

Mega block = mega blockage ?

Did it really happen????

YES! it did.

M, my son, threw a mega Lego block down into the toilet over the weekend.  He didn't do it intentionally, it was an accident.  He was supervised, by see this is how it happened.

I was in the bathroom, I had just finished, and my son, (remember 11 months old) came walking in with a Handy Manny tool in one hand and a pink sparkly mega Lego block, (of my daughters) in the other.  I grabbed him, while the toilet was flushing and picked him up.  He dropped the tool down on the floor, as I was grateful that it didn't hit the toilet, I watched as the mega block went down into the toilet...I couldn't believe what had happened, and stuck my hand in after it.  It was GONE! gone...I panicked.  See many years ago, my brother and sister did the same thing at my mom's, two days later...guess what...the toilet backed up and poo was flying everywhere!  I frantically called for my husband, who was suppose to be watching M anyway...he didn't see what the big deal was, got the plunger, and plunged five times.  "It will be fine, you are over-reacting."  We shall see...I think of it like this...I have till tomorrow morning around 9am, for my two days to be up.  If it doesn't overflow...I am grateful...if it does, I will be alone, with two kids, and a bathroom full of poo....

To be continued...check comments for updates!

Talk about a real idiot..........

Ok, so last night, after we put the kiddos to bed, we sat down to watch the Steelers Preseason game againist the Broncos.  We turned on Fox, and couldn't see the full picture.  My husband got upset, but said, there is nothing we can do....just had to wait to see the score till a commercial break.  I on the other hand was pretty pissed inside.  Here's why....I turn on Disney channel in the morning for the kids, and they want to watch Mickey Mouse....(what kid wouldn't?!).  I have to try and explain to N, my three year old, why she can see half of Mickey's head when he is on the left or right side of the screen.  We do not have an HD tv, thus...we do not have HD service.  We have basic service.  We should be able to see the whole picture.  This happens all the time, on a lot of channels.  Anywho...

I decided to get online and "chat" with a Comcast technician....needless to say that just pissed me off more....

First I had to wait, I was 6th in line...I got down to 2, and thought we go...then I bounce back to 3! WHAT THE HELL!  Ugh...I was so tired, and really just wanted to see what was going with the tv, and if it could be fixed.  This Tech guy comes on....and annoyed me to no end.  Here is the convo...

user Colleen_ has entered room
Colleen(Sun Aug 29 21:43:48 EDT 2010)>

I hate that we can not see the score box on the steelers game on fox, because they use HD cameras, and we do not have HD. Something should be done so that we can actually see the whole picture...not the middle.
analyst Rodolf has entered room
Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:10:30 EDT 2010)>

Hello Colleen_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Rodolf. Please give me one moment to review your information.
Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:10:34 EDT 2010)>

How are you today?
Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:10:42 EDT 2010)>

annoyed by how long it took  (because I was waiting so long)
Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:11:17 EDT 2010)>

I would like to know why people that do not have HD can not see the whole picture on the screen

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:13:18 EDT 2010)>

I see. I am very sorry to hear that but don't worry I will do my best to help you with that issue.

Colleen_(Sun Aug  22:13:39 EDT 2010)>

ok how
Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:13:56 EDT 2010)>

it happens all the time

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:14:07 EDT 2010)>

all stations, all shows

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:14:11 EDT 2010)>

it really isnt fair

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:14:57 EDT 2010)>

I do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:15:12 EDT 2010)>

Let me check on that for you Colleen.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:16:30 EDT 2010)>

I see here that you have a concern or problem with your TV can't view the whole picture of HD, I understand the trouble that this has caused you and I want you to know how sorry I am for the inconvenience. As your service representative today, I want you to know that your satisfaction is of my topmost priority and I assure you that we can resolve this issue together on this chat, Colleen.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:16:31 EDT 2010)>

To ensure the integrity of your account information. Can I please have the Full Account Name and account number?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:17:05 EDT 2010)>

I do not have my account number in front of me, it is 10:17pm

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:17:45 EDT 2010)>

the problem is, we DO NOT have HD, and everything runs in HD we dont see the whole picture

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:18:07 EDT 2010)>

I see. I am very sorry for that one.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:19:52 EDT 2010)>

just tell me if there is something that can be done, or not

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:19:53 EDT 2010)>

HD has different settings, picture resolution and signal transmitted to those who can view with no HDTV.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:20:28 EDT 2010)>

You need to have the HDTV and the HD box for the HD channels.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:20:41 EDT 2010)>


Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:20:49 EDT 2010)>

it is basic freakin tv

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:21:41 EDT 2010)>

we have problems, with KDKA -6, Fox - 7, WTAE -8, WTAE 12, Disney 40...all of them!

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:22:41 EDT 2010)>

I need to pull up your account here on my end so I can check your account for your type of cable service.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:22:42 EDT 2010)>

the best way for me to describe it is, the picture is TOO big for the screen

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:23:19 EDT 2010)>

Can you please provide me your full account name and address?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:23:20 EDT 2010)>

look it up bymy name then, cause I am not going to dig out a bill to get my number

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:23:36 EDT 2010)>

(not going to put that on here)

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:24:14 EDT 2010)>

Thank you.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:24:14 EDT 2010)>

Please give me 2 minutes to pull up your account.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:24:58 EDT 2010)>

please hurry

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:25:55 EDT 2010)>

Thank you.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:28:21 EDT 2010)>

Thank you for patiently waiting, Colleen.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:28:29 EDT 2010)>


Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:28:37 EDT 2010)>

I am glad to inform you that I have pulled up your account here on my end.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:28:48 EDT 2010)>


Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:30:30 EDT 2010)>

The picture will not fit on the basic TV because the HD has a bigger size of resolution. Basic TV is only 450i resolution and the HD has 1080i resolution.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:31:09 EDT 2010)>

so people that can not afford to buy HD tv's and pay the higher fees for HD service are screwed?

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:31:57 EDT 2010)>

That is why you need to have HDTV to have HD service.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:32:21 EDT 2010)>

yea, so what i just said

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:32:50 EDT 2010)>

so i can not view my tv with the normal picture, because we dont have money for a new HD tv, and the new service

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:32:54 EDT 2010)>

this blows!

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:34:22 EDT 2010)>

well what will comcast do for us who pay for tv, and get screwed like this?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:35:21 EDT 2010)>


Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:35:58 EDT 2010)>

Yes. I am here.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:36:10 EDT 2010)>

Please give me another 2 minutes to check on that.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:36:43 EDT 2010)>

hurry please, i am getting really annoyed here

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:38:24 EDT 2010)>

Thank you for patiently waiting.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:40:27 EDT 2010)>

I am very sorry to inform you that the only way to have that HD show fit is to have HDTV. Those HD channels that you can view is the free HD channels included in your cable package for those who has HDTV.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:41:22 EDT 2010)>

What are you not understanding? I am not trying to WATCH HD Channels? I am trying to watch normal basic channels..........

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:42:04 EDT 2010)>

I see. I do apologize for that one.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:42:48 EDT 2010)>

I did not get that clearly. You are watching basic channels that is using HD cameras, am I correct?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:43:00 EDT 2010)>


Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:43:08 EDT 2010)>

Thank you.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:44:34 EDT 2010)>

I said that a while now what

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:44:42 EDT 2010)>

I am getting pissy, and I am very tired.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:45:26 EDT 2010)>

I am very sorry for the long wait.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:45:46 EDT 2010)>

I would like to ask if other channels has the same issue?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:46:04 EDT 2010)>

yes, i said that before

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:46:08 EDT 2010)>

many many many channels do this.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:46:28 EDT 2010)>

I see. Thank you so much for the information.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:47:01 EDT 2010)>

It is possible that your TV is on zoom and that is why the picture will not fit on the TV screen.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:47:11 EDT 2010)>


Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:48:16 EDT 2010)>

Can you please specify the channels that is affected with this issue?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:48:38 EDT 2010)>

I said earlier, kdka, wtae, fox, wpxi, disney, nick, and many more

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:48:43 EDT 2010)>

mostly all

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:49:32 EDT 2010)>

and from the sounds of it, i am not the only person not seeing the whole picture that cant afford a new HD tv, and HD TV service

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:49:37 EDT 2010)>

Comcast sucks!

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:49:53 EDT 2010)>

I feel like I have wasted my time tonight talking on here

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:50:20 EDT 2010)>

I do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:51:03 EDT 2010)>

what you can do Rodolf, is have someone in PITTSBURGH call me tomorrow around 12 NOON, and help me fix this. I want Comcast to take care of me for this. I am sick of only seeing the "middle" of the picture, and trying to explain to my kids why they can not see Mickey Mouse's whole head!

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:51:30 EDT 2010)>

I pay my bills on time, every month, and damnit I expect to be able to see what I am watching

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:53:08 EDT 2010)>

I am very sorry for the disappointment this has caused you. I do suggest that we need to have a technician to fix this problem. Will that be okay with you?

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:53:32 EDT 2010)>

I am not setting up any VISITS tonight, I am going to bed, have someone call me tomorrow at NOON!

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:53:44 EDT 2010)>

I am not paying for a service call either!

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:55:23 EDT 2010)>

do you have anything else to say, because I am going to end this session.

Rodolf(Sun Aug 29 22:56:17 EDT 2010)>

What I can do for you here on my end is to put a note in your account regarding this interaction and this information will forwarded to my superiors.

Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:56:27 EDT 2010)>


Colleen_(Sun Aug 29 22:56:29 EDT 2010)>


so as you can tell, I was talking to an idiot....and do not even get me started on his grammer! I will wait and see today to see if anyone from Comcast actually calls me.  This is the most annoying part of being limited to one company in our area...we can not even shop around to find anyone else. 
And...what do you think it was like watching Mickey this morning?  Still "too big for the screen!"
Wonder what country Rodolf was in last night? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How different they are...

Hello to all, I am new at this, so excuse anything that might seem weird to you.

I was reading a magazine last night and the article was about blogging.  I thought I would give it a try, so here it goes...

I have two small children, my daughter, N, is 3 and a half, my son M, is 11 months.  When  my daughter was younger, she didn't really get into much trouble.  She would sit and play quietly or watch what was on tv.  My son, is the exact opposite.  This morning, I was in the bathroom, doing normall bathroom activity.   M came marching in, with a Handy Manny tool in one hand, and a pink mega lego block in the other.  Since I had a sick feeling in my stomach that he might try to get to the toilet, I grabbed him up and said, "no, no no!"  As I was saying those very words, he threw the mega block into the toilet.  Now...our toilet is a little strange.  Everytime you flush, the water goes down, then comes back, then goes down again.  He of course threw it on the second time the water was going down....thus the lego was gone!  I had even stuck my hand in, to try and catch it before it went all the luck.  I instantly flipped because I knew, with my luck, that this toilet would start to back up throughout the day, overnight, and of course, then explode tomorrow while my husband is at work.  See I have a little bit of experience with this, my sister and brother, when they were 2 and 3, decided to throw a Winnie the Pooh figurine down my parents toilet, the next day, the toilet backup and there was poo everywhere,...literally....I am dreading tomorrow.   So, after all this happened, my husband plunged...and plunged...and plunged....nothing...let's hope that this lego block is making a fish in the Mon happy now! 

The funniest part was afterwards, when I was having my first cup of coffee of the day, yes all this before coffee! ... can you imagine?  ... Anyway...I said to my daughter, "oh N, I am so glad that we had you first, because if we had M first, he would have been an only child!" My husband rang in from the kitchen,...."you just read my mind."   It is crazy how different they are.  Night and Day!  I know boys get into a lot more than girls, but geeze.  I can  only hope that this gets easier..I fear though that it won't.